Summer STEM Camps and Programs

STEM Summer Camps

UT-RGV Texas Pre-Freshman Engineering Program (TexPREP)

Summer 2024 Program Application
The application deadline is January 26, 2024. 

The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley (UT-RGV) will continue hosting the Texas Pre-Engineering Program (TexPREP) during Summer 2024.  TexPREP is an academic enrichment program for 6th through 11th grade students.  Approximately 220 first year students from grades 6th through 8th grade will be chosen to participate in this four-week summer program.

Students are eligible to apply if they have an interest and potential for careers in the fields of mathematics, science, technology, and/or engineering.  Students with disabilities are also welcome to apply.  Students that are accepted into the program will spend four summer weeks on the UT-RGV campus and will continue with three follow-up meetings during the following school year.  They will interact with other students their age and with professionals in the fields of mathematics, science and engineering who will share their experiences and knowledge about possible future careers.  The program is accredited by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and students can be awarded one unit of elective credit for every year they successfully complete the program.

The program is scheduled to run from 1:00 p.m. to 5:50 p.m. from June 7, 2024 to July 3, 2024, with three monthly Saturday follow-up meetings during the school year.  It is important to note that students with more than two absences will be asked to resign from the program.  Absences can be, but are not limited to, cheerleading, football or band practice, or vacations.

Refer to the TexPREP Program Application for more information on the requirements for eligibility.

Please note that it will be the responsibility of the students and parents to be aware of the important deadlines for the program application and other requirements such as the Math Placement Test date.  If accepted to participate by UTRGV, the district will cover the program cost of 
$425 per student. Transportation will also be provided by the district. Feel free to call (956) 580-5200, Ext.1029 with any questions regarding this program.