Annette Quintanilla-Parvin
Director of Assessment and Advanced Academics
(956) 580-5200 ext 1053
The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR™)replaced the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), which is the criterion-referenced assessment program that has been in place since 2003. STAAR™ includes grade 3-8 assessments mandated by SB 1031 in 2007 and 5 end-of-course (EOC) assessments mandated by HB 5 in 2013.
Links of Interest:
State Testing Calendar
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR-ALT 2)
STAAR-ALT 2 is an assessment designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities to meet the federal requirements mandate under the No Child Left Behind Act. Students with significant cognitive disabilities may be assessed with alternate standards using an assessment that is linked to the grade-level curriculum through prerequisite skills.
Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)
TELPAS and STAAR form a cohesive assessment system for LEP students. TELPAS reading tests assess the reading skills of the TEKS in a manner that provides linguistic supports and adaptations commensurate with each targeted proficiency level.
STAAR End of Course (EOC)
On June 2013, the governor signed HB 5, which called for the administration of 5 end-of-course assessment instruments for secondary-level courses in Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, and United States history."
Testing Information for Parents & Students:
In order to maintain and preserve the security and confidential integrity of state tests, communication devices will NOT be allowed in any testing area on the days of testing. A communication device includes but is not limited to cellular telephones, music and/or recording devices, video recorders, cameras, organizational tools (tablets, laptops, Blackberry, etc). If a student is found to possess a communication device while inside an active testing room, the test of that student may be voided and would not be scored by the state. Students are strongly encouraged NOT to bring these devices on test days. Students who forget and bring a device will have the opportunity to relinquish the device to the test administrator before the test begins. The students' name will be attached to the device and will be returned to the owner once all testing is complete or the student leaves the room.
Credit by Exam (Acceleration) as amended by HB 5 requires the following:
A school district must provide at least one window to test between January 1 and March 31, one window to test between April 1 and June 30, one window to test between July 1 and September 30, and one window to test between October 1 and December 31 annually when each examination for acceleration for each primary school grade level and for credit for secondary school academic subjects required under Texas Education Code, §28.023, shall be administered in Grades 1-12 unless the examination has an administration date that is established by an entity other than the school district. A student may take a specific examination only once during each window. The testing window must be designed to meet the needs of all students. The dates must be publicized in the community.
2024-2025 Testing Window
Testing Window
Registration Deadline
September 10 – 12, 2024
August 6, 2024
November 5 – 7, 2024
September 24, 2024
February 11 – 13, 2025
January 7, 2025
June 3– 5, 2025
May 6, 2025
Please see your campus counselor for registration information.