NCLB Report Card

2011 No Child Left Behind Report Card

Section 1111(h)(2) of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires that each local education agency (LEA) that receives Title I, Part A funding to disseminate specific LEA- and campus- level data to 1) all LEA campuses, 2) parents of all enrolled students, and 3) to make the information widely available through public means such as posting on the Internet, distribution to the media, or distribution through public agencies.
The Agency has developed the Texas NCLB Report Card, an internet-based system to generate the campus, LEA, and state-level reports that meet the specific federal reporting requirement. This system, now available, is located at the following link:
To navigate the system, the LEA selects the type of report (state, district, campus), the year (2011), and searches either by LEA (or campus) name or by county-district (or campus) number. Within each report, the following sections are included:
  • Part I - Student Achievement
  • Part II - Student Achievement and Academic Expectations (AYP)
  • Part III - AYP and Schools Identified for Improvement, Corrective Action, and Restructuring
  • Part IV - Teacher Quality
  • Part V - NAEP Achievement Levels (State and LEA Reports Only)
The District NCLB Report Card for Sharyland ISD is now available by clicking here.

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