General FAQ items are listed below. Please see the categories on the left for more specific items.
I'm a parent and an employee with two skyward accounts. How do I get them merged into one skyward account?
If the employee has a school district email address please contact DeVaughn Resczenski with the request.
If the employee does not have access to an SISD email address, they would need to have identity confirmed by Payroll/HR. Payroll/HR would then either call D. Resczenski, or send him information on how to contact the employee for details. This contact information must be identity confirmed.
I don't know my skyward family access username and password. How do I obtain that?
Visit your home campus and speak to the front office staff. They will direct you to someone that can assist.
How does access to Eduphoria modules get elevated or reduced?
Human Resources sends the change request to the Technology Department based on the employee status change.
I’m a student and i get locked out of skyward.
Get with the campus librarian or front office PEIMS staff for assistance.