Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Career and Technical Education (CTE) at Sharyland ISD inspires students to unlock their potential and take charge of their futures by connecting classroom learning to real-world opportunities. Through aligned career clusters and programs of study, our CTE programs prepare students for in-demand careers, equipping them with the skills, certifications, and experiences needed to succeed in today’s competitive job market. Guided by a commitment to excellence and innovation, we empower every student to graduate career-ready, confident, and prepared to make a lasting impact in their chosen field and community.

Our Vision

Sharyland ISD...Excellence is our Tradition

Our Mission

Sharyland ISD's Mission is to inspire, educate and empower all students to reach their full potential and become leaders of the highest moral character.

CTE Department Support Staff:

Dr. Vanessa G. Leal
Director for Career and Technical Education
(956) 580-5200  Ext. 

Rebekah Gerlach
Coordinator for Career and Technical Education
(956) 580-5200  Ext. 1029

Amy Leal
Secretary for Career and Technical Education
(956) 580-5200  Ext. 


Career & Technical Education Counselors

Renee Huddleston                                                               Rocio Montemayor
 Pioneer High School                                                          Sharyland High School
(956) 271-1600 Ext. 4018                                                  (956) 580-5300 Ext. 1431

High School GO Centers
Melinda Zuniga                                                                       Elizabeth Rios
College & Financial Aid Advisor                                                       GO Center Counselor       
   Pioneer High School                                                              Sharyland High School
(956) 271-1600 Ext. 4027                                                       (956) 580-5300 Ext. 1211

Ashlie Rivera                                                                         Liana Cadena
       GO Center Clerk                                                                     GO Center Clerk       
   Pioneer High School                                                                Sharyland High School
(956) 271-1600 Ext. 4027                                                       (956) 580-5300 Ext. 1211

David Canseco
CTE & College Readiness Advisor
 Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy
(956) 584-6467 Ext. 4426



Si necesita ayuda con cualquier información en nuestra página de internet, comuníquese con nuestro Departamento de Carreras y Educación Técnica al 956-580-5200 o visite nuestro departamento en el edificio anexo a la administración de Sharyland ISD localizado en el 1200 N. Shary Road, Mission, TX 78572.