Roles and Responsibilities of the Professional School Counselor:
Texas law (TEC § 33.005) requires school counselors to integrate the following four key components through a comprehensive school guidance program. There are included in The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs published by the Texas Counseling Association in accordance with its licensing agreement with the Texas Education Agency.
School Guidance Curriculum:
Academic support, including organizational, study and
test-taking skills
§ Goal
setting and decision-making
§ Career
awareness, exploration, and planning
§ Education
on understanding self and others
§ Communication,
problem-solving and conflict resolution
§ Substance
abuse education
§ Multicultural/diversity
Individual Student Planning:
§ Academic
§ Goal
setting/decision- making
§ Education
on understanding of self, including strengths and weaknesses
§ Transition
Responsive Services:
§ Individual
and small-group counseling
§ Individual/family/school
crisis intervention
§ Conflict
§ Consultation/collaboration
§ Referrals
System Support:
§ Professional
§ Consultation,
collaboration, and teaming
§ Program
management and operation
§ Elementary
School Counselors collaborate with the following and regarding:
§ Parents/Family: Parent education, Communication/networking, Academic planning,
College/career awareness programs, One-on-one parent conferencing,
Interpretation of assessment results
§ Teachers: Classroom guidance activities, Academic support, including
learning style assessment and education to help students succeed academically,
Classroom speakers, At-risk student identification and implementation of
interventions to enhance success
§ Administrators: School climate, Behavioral management plans, School-wide needs
assessments, Student data and results, Student assistance team building
§ Students:
Peer education, Peer
support, Academic support, School climate, Leadership development,
Community/Job shadowing, Service Learning, Crisis interventions, Referrals,
Support groups, College and Career education
Lorene Bazan
Director for Counseling
Extension: 1138