Public Relations

The mission of the Sharyland ISD Public Relations Department is to empower all stakeholders to positively represent, engage, and support the District and our shared vision through skillful communication as we collaboratively create a culture of trust and equity, through open and honest two-way communication. 

The Public Relations Department was established in September 2020 and is responsible for strategic planning, community relations, internal and external communications, publications, project and event management, media relations, crisis communications, district brand management, social media management, photography/videography/graphic design services, content creation, and serves as district communication platform(s) system administrators.


Please text or call (956) 429-8088

Public Relations Department Staff

Nancy Valeria Barboza

Director of Public Relations

Public Information Officer

Rocio Landin

Public Information Coordinator

Sergio Esquivel



Sharyland Independent School District was founded in 1921 and serves the municipalities of Mission, Alton, Palmhurst, Edinburg, and McAllen. Sharyland ISD’s Superintendent is Dr. Maria M. Vidaurri, who possesses over 38 years of public education experience. Sharyland ISD’s faculty and staff serve close to 10,000 students and has 14 campuses: Jessie L. Jensen Elementary School, John H. Shary Elementary School, Lloyd and Dolly Bentsen Elementary School, Olivero Garza Sr. Elementary School, Romulo D. Martinez Elementary School, Ruben Hinojosa Elementary School, Donna Wernecke Elementary, Harry Shimotsu Elementary, BL Gray Junior High School, Sharyland North Junior High School, Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy, Sharyland High School, Sharyland Pioneer High School, and Sharyland Alternative Education Center. Our dedicated team of educators prepares students for the future and provides them with the necessary tools to reach their DREAMS…. from early-childhood education to post-secondary readiness, our students learn, create, innovate, and are empowered leaders. At Sharyland ISD scholars thrive in a social-emotional supportive and diverse environment catered to their individual needs and success at our Award-Winning School District! These achievements are evident by being consecutively named Texas Honor Roll District, receiving a 100% - “A” - Superior Achievement for the 19th consecutive time for financially sound and fiscally responsible practices, and achieving a 97 based on the Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) A-F Accountability Rating System. Sharyland ISD is a STRAIGHT “A” DISTRICT, LEADing the Way To Excellence, with high academic performance, safety, and security at the forefront, and a fine-tuned focus on mental health and counseling support.