Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey
 Human Resources is committed to providing exemplary service to its customers. Please take a few moments to give us feedback on your experience with us.
 My feedback is regarding:
HR in General
HR Services
Other, please specify
 Please rate the following:
  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Knowledge of area    
Timeliness of response    
Overall, the service I received was    
 If there was one thing that the Human Resources team could have done better to provide excellent customer service, what would that one thing be?
 Comments or Suggestions:
 Name/Contact Information:
 Please click "done" when you are finished. If you prefer, you may print this form and mail it to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Sharyland ISD, 1106 N. Shary Rd. Mission, TX 78572, or fax it to (956) 580-5231

Thank you for your feedback!

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