All school volunteers will be screened. A volunteer is any non-Sharyland ISD employee who renders service and/or works with students in a Sharyland school.
The criminal background check screens volunteers for felonies and misdemeanors.
Complete background check form to become a volunteer. (Both are available at each school campus and in the Human Resource department at Central Office, 1106 N. Shary Road.
Submit completed form to the campus community liaisons.
Background check forms will be processed by Sharyland Human Resource Office.
After processing, any background check that does not meet the Sharyland ISD standard will be forwarded to the campus principal.
Campus principal or his/her appointed designee will contact any volunteer applicants declined due to his/her background check. All information will remain confidential.
Volunteer names in the campus database will be removed if the background check does not meet Sharyland ISD standards or if there is no background check submitted.
If you have any questions in reference to your background check, you may contact Aliza Peña; Human Resource Specialist @(956) 580-5200 ext.1023.